Patient Navigation Services

A cancer diagnoses is a frightening and overwhelming time. At Brookwood Baptist Health, we understand the stress this can cause as you are making critical decisions while facing the challenges of cancer treatments. Our Patient Navigator teams are committed to guiding you through the journey, empowering you to make the best decisions about your treatment options and health.

Our Services

Our specially-trained Patient Navigators can help you and your loved ones face the challenges cancer brings with it. We can help you understand your cancer type and the treatment plan prescribed by your physician. We provide information about hospital services, community resources, and education and support. Patient Navigators can assist with:
  • Identifying local resources and support
  • Navigation through the healthcare system
  • Assessing unique concerns and needs
  • Coordinating and scheduling appointments
  • Counseling and family support
  • Survivorship
  • Locating cancer support groups in the community
  • Finding help with transportation to appointments
  • Connecting you to care providers
  • Assistance with financial and insurance questions

Our Patient Navigators

The Patient Navigator Program at the Brookwood Baptist Health is a free service available to help patients and caregivers throughout their journey. Contact us to learn more about your cancer diagnoses, treatments options, and resources available to you.

Brookwood Baptist Medical Center (205) 877-2208
Princeton Baptist Medical Center (205) 783-3243

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